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Ten years ago we (Catzpaw Innovations, LLC) designed, 3D printed, and started selling our Big Foot figures. From the first sale customers kept asking us to make Big Foot move through the woods. We have spent the last nine years trying to make this happen...

And we have finally succeeded! We are in the final development stages of creating a system that will make things move! Lots of things, not just Big Foot. And that system is the InvisaTrax™ Transport System.

Check our website and like our FaceBook page to keep up to date on our progress. We will be posting more "moving" videos, details on how the system works, how it can work for you, and where you purchase InvisaTrax™ products!
Copyright 2023 CatzPaw Innovations, LLC • All Rights Reserved
InvisaTrax™ Transport System
Click here for details!

Big Foot Moving Through Woods
Click here to see how it was created.
Sharks Circling Kayaker
Click here to see how it was created.
Skateboarding Dan
Click here to see how it was created.
Couples Taking A Stroll
Click here to see how it was created.
Modular Layout Simulation
Click here for
Preliminary Test Results.
Front Loaders in Action
Click here to see how it was created.